Michigan Historic Preservation Network


The MHPN offers the following six categories for membership:

Basic Membership


Base membership for an individual.

Student Membership


Membership for an individual of any age with a currently active student ID.

Senior Membership


Membership for an individual of 60 years of age or older.

Historic Resource Council


Membership for an individual or organization employed in Historic Preservation or a related field.

This membership provides the additional benefit of a company listing in the Network’s annual HRC Directory, providing an opportunity to promote your business to all of our members and friends. Over a thousand copies are distributed each year and an online version is available in the “resources” section of the MHPN website. Advertising opportunities for the directory, in addition to the listing, can be found when this option of membership is selected.

Historic District Commissions or Study Committees


Membership for local government commission establish under Michigan Public Act 169 or Study Committees working to establish a Commission under PA 169.

Organization – nonprofit/governmental agencies


Organization – for profit
