Michigan Historic Preservation Network


2025 MHPN Annual Statewide Historic Preservation Conference


Thursday, May 15 – Saturday, May 17, 2025

Headquartered on the campus of Lake Superior State University

Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan

You can still be a Conference Sponsor.  See below.

“Bringing Stories to Light” Theme Statement:

Michiganders involved in historic preservation are used to hearing variations of “you want to do what with that old place?” or “that eyesore is too far gone to be saved.”  Fortunately, we have decades of successes that prove otherwise.  Interested individuals are now joined by trained practitioners in the field – historians and preservationists, architects and engineers, anthropologists and archaeologists.  Craftspeople and tradespeople with traditional skills make the work possible.  Adjacent expertise has grown up among attorneys, accountants, realtors, and others.  There’s hardly a community in Michigan that doesn’t have a preservation success story to support what we know is true – that preservation is a powerful revitalization engine that simultaneously highlights what’s unique about Michigan.   

But is it enough to restore and preserve the historic fabric of culturally significant properties? To assure what we reclaim has a future, that future can be safeguarded if people understand why we made the effort in the first place. You may be an archaeologist finding a shard during a dig, an owner working with an architect to bring an historic theater back to life, a developer adaptively reusing a long-abandoned factory for housing, or a homeowner taking paint and wallpaper samples before you begin work.  No matter what the specifics, there is a story being brought to light that has been hidden. As our placemaking efforts return the physical evidence of what makes our communities distinctive, we have the responsibility to find out and talk about the importance of what’s been preserved. 

You’ve got a story. Tell it! 

Continuing Education Credits – Coming in early March, 2025

We thank our 2025 Annual Statewide Preservation Conference Underwriters and all our Sponsors

MEDC - Primary_Narrow - 2022-cropped
State Historic Preservation Office - 2020

Dear Friend of Michigan Preservation:

The Michigan Historic Preservation Network is reaching out across the state in search of great items for the silent auction that is a highlight of our statewide preservation conference. This year, we’re on Mackinac Island at Mission Point Resort from May 11-13. The theme for this 43rd annual gathering is, “A Fragile Balance: How Heritage Tourism Balances Profitability and Authenticity.” Whether you’ve provided an auction item in the past or would consider doing so for the first time, we welcome your contribution! Please note that the deadline for items is Friday, April 28. 

Because we’re on Mackinac Island, everything must be transported via ferry or sent ahead. So we’re looking for items that are light/flat/rollable/foldable, can be emailed or mailed to us in Lansing to take to the Island, and then are easily carried back to the mainland by the winners.

When we made this same request during the pandemic for our virtual auction, we KNOW how much creativity you mustered. We again seek donations of all types, in all price ranges, to offer something for everyone. Popular light/flat/rollable/foldable ideas include tours of historic places, overnight stays in historic hotels and B&B’s, tickets for both high-brow and low-brow entertainment, and gift certificates of all kinds. In addition to individual items, we’re always looking for creative theme packages that you pull together or that we can create from your items.

As an auction item donor, you’ll receive recognition on the item’s bid sheet and in the MHPN’s annual report. Your donation may be tax deductible because the MHPN is a 501(c)3 organization. We’ve enclosed a donation form in case you’d like to help! Feel free to contact the MHPN office with any questions.

The MHPN is THE membership organization in Michigan dedicated to recognizing and preserving the state’s architectural and cultural heritage. Your item, when auctioned, provides financial assistance for our statewide efforts. 

Many thanks for your support of historic preservation in Michigan!


2023 Conference Auction Chair

Lecture, Kalamazoo, 2024
MHPN 2023 Awards w
Awards, Mackinac Island, 2023
Vendor Showcase and Market Place, Holland, 2019
Tour, East Lansing, 2018

Conference Brochures

Kalamazoo, 2024
Mackinac Island, 2023
Holly, 2022
Held Virtually in May, 2021
2020 Conference Brochure - Preservation on the Frontline_Page_01
Held Virtually in September 2020
Holland, 2019
East Lansing, 2018
Emmet County, 2017
Detroit, 2016
Midland, 2015
Jackson, 2014

MHPN Conference History